Saturday, July 14, 2012

About the Liebster Award

I have recently gotten over ten comments saying I have been nominated for this award and that is fantastic and I really appreciate it guys! Honestly though after looking into what it is and seeing that everyone who nominated me has 11 questions for me to answer, I just really don't have the time to do this. I have over 30 books right now that need to be reviewed and I work 50 hours a week I just feel like I need to spend my time dedicating it to the authors and the reviews I work so hard on doing. I started this blog to showcase my work as a book reviewer and to promote my work and help get the work of debut authors out there, I feel my time is better spent doing that. So thanks for all these award nominations but I am just not going to showcase them. Sorry if that disappoints anyone, it's just how I feel.


  1. Is it quite a time consumer. Thankfully, I'm on vacation and was able to do one of my own.

  2. I had nominations too. I ended up adding something to my blog to say I was an award-free zone. I love the sentiment, but I just don't have the time or inclination to do it. You're not alone. :)

  3. Thanks Sandy I was going to say something like that as well because I just don't have the time. Good to know I'm not alone though!

  4. Hey, I just found your blog and first impressions are great. I look forward to checking out some new books!
    Would you mind checking out my blog Escaping Jackie, I'd appreciate it very much! :)
